
Woman feeling severe hip joint pain

Bursitis is caused by repetitive activity that puts stress on the bursae, causing pain and discomfort. Treatment is usually conservative.

Labral Hip Tear

unhappy male holding hip in pain during a jog

Labral hip tears are injuries to the cartilage around the hip joint. These can occur as a result of repetitive activity or degenerative changes.

Trigger Finger

hand showcasing trigger finger

Trigger Finger is a disorder that causes the finger to catch in a flexed (bent) position, making it difficult to straighten.

Ganglion Cyst

Physical therapist checks patients wrist by pressing the wrist bone.

Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled bumps that can appear anywhere in the body but most commonly on the back of the wrist. Although they usually do not cause symptoms, they can occasionally become painful.

DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis

male hands typing on smartphone

DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis is a condition caused by overuse or inflammatory conditions that causes the tendons in the thumb to swell.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Left hand holding right wrist in pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that results from the compression of the median nerve in the wrist leading to pain, numbness, or tingling in the hands and fingers.

Tailor’s Bunion

illustration of tailor's bunion

A tailor’s bunion is a bony growth on the inside of the foot over the fifth metatarsal bone.


female runner sitting on steps with ankle sprain

Sprains and strains are among the most common injuries in sports. A sprain is an injury to the ligaments around a joint.

Fifth Metatarsal Fractures

Young female massaging her painful foot after sport

A fifth metatarsal fracture is a common foot injury in which the bone on the outside of your foot just below the little toe breaks.